Taryn Talks
Life is filled with great ideas. Choosing what receives your precious attention is a struggle.
While co-leading a workshop on how to Power Up when You're Tapped Out, I noticed our participants gained a boost of energy when they assessed what caused them to feel tapped out and felt their empowerment when they declared what they were going to release from their life.
This was the perfect reminder for me as I was faced with the same challenge. I felt Tapped Out when I planned out my November priorities on Oct 31st, I had over 7 things competing for my attention in my business alone, not to mention the personal stuff! These weren't just little to-dos, but BIG initiatives. All of them were offerings or events I want to create but my capacity box was crammed full. I felt frozen because I didn't know which one to focus on.
Have you ever felt frozen when faced with too many things on your plate?

Unfortunately, you may be facing this state of too much which can quickly lead to a state of energy burnout. I don't want that for you!
Burning out means you are taken out of playing your bigger game.
In the article below, I share key strategies to power back up when you are feeling tapped out.
When I applied the Powering Up strategies to myself during the workshop, I received clarity of at least one thing I would say NO to.
The relief that came from drawing a line in the sand to say No powered up my battery and the momentum to take action kicked in. I was on fire creating content, communicating, and clearing things off the list. I went from Frozen to Action!
One of my favorite sayings is "Slow Down to Go Fast". I believe it’s an invitation to pause, take a breath and assess.
Where can you slow down, assess, and say NO to something draining your energy, so you can go faster on what matters most?
Wishing you the best in this messy and imperfect world,

Featured Article
🔑 Keys to Powering up When You’re Tapped Out!
For those of us living in the PNW, the cold, dark, and rainy days of November have settled in. I heard one client say it’s the dreary November daze. Doesn’t a flight to the southern hemisphere sound really good right about now? Now, not all of us can escape to the land of sunshine to power back up right now. And to be honest, it’s not a sustainable solution. However, there are ways to increase your energy when it feels like you are tapped out, no matter where you live and available to you at a moment’s notice.
But first, what could be causing your depleted energy? There are so many reasons why, and here are a few we keep hearing from clients:
- I’ve got too much on the “Do Now” list
- I don’t think I’m doing enough
- Tired of taking care of everyone else’s needs
- I’m doing all this myself
- I’ve got the weight of the world on my shoulders
- I don’t feel like I am being a good enough [insert parent, partner, manager, friend, etc]
What else are you saying that drains your energy?
Here’s where the first 🔑to unlock your energy comes into play.
Strategy # 1 ⚡ Power Level Assessment:
Imagine your energy comes from 4 different batteries 🔋 in your life. Without overthinking these areas of your life, ask yourself “From 0% to 100%, how powered up are you right now if you were a battery?” 100% is Fully Charged and 0% is Tapped Out.
- 🔋Physically - Check in with your body. What is your power level?
- 🔋 Mentally - Check in with your head. What is your power level?
- 🔋 Spiritually - Check in with your heart. What is your power level?
- 🔋 Emotionally - Check in with your emotions. What is your power level?
What is surprising to you about your energy levels in each area?
Which energy quadrant needs your attention most?
We’ve designed a quick Energy Level Assessment tool for you to use anytime you feel tapped out. Here are a few tips to help you be successful in assessing your levels:
- Print out the assessment wheel and put it up on your wall next to your desk.
- Put a reminder on your calendar to check in weekly
- Invite someone to be your Energizer Bunny Buddy. This person is someone who you can check in to assess your energy levels.
Now that you have assessed your energy levels, How do you power up?
Learn more Key strategies to Power Up When You're Tapped Out Blog Post
Blog Post
Sharing is Caring!
The Fall and Winter holiday season is upon us and I have two colleagues who have offerings that I just had to share with you because I was excited to learn about them. Sharing is caring, right?
You can enjoy your pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies too!

Society is a big fan of the "all or nothing" mindset.
What if I told you there was a way you can enjoy all of your favorite holiday treats AND still LOSE WEIGHT?
You can and I am going to share with you an opportunity to learn how you can do it too!
My friend Jen Beck, Registered Nutrition Consultant, is teaching a workshop Saturday, November, 20 at 7 am PST / 10 am EST. It is on zoom, so you can show up in your jammies if you're zooming in from the west coast! 😉
During this workshop, you will discover:
- How to manage your stress and emotions so you can stop the stuffing!
- New recipes for a delicious and healthier holiday season
- How to take in and savor all the goodness that this season has to offer
- What it takes to shrink your waistline instead of unbuttoning your pants
Sign up today to Stop the Stuffing! Space is limited to 100 participants.
Register Here
Wrapped Up In Love

Continuing with one of the key strategies shared in the Power Up when You’re Tapped Out blog, Leaning In is key to staying in flow this holiday season. That’s why when Mary Gleason shared with me she was offering up her services as a gift wrapping goddess, I knew I had to share it with my local audience. What a great way to delegate the task of wrapping presents when you have your hands full with everything else.
- Do you have gifts for clients?
- Do you wait till midnight on Christmas eve to wrap your family’s presents?
- Do want to add a special touch to your presents but the creative juices just aren’t flowing?
Let Mary take some holiday stress off your shoulders! Mary loves to wrap presents and is offering to wrap presents for you! For just $25/hour, she provides the basic materials (specialty papers and bows are extra.) With supply chain woes slowing delivery, now is the time to shop and schedule time with Mary. Contact her at maryfgleason@comcast.net
Bonus: With her Catholic School cursive training, she can also address your holiday cards!
Events & Updates
Pop-Up Training: Did you know You Have 2 Brains?

On Tuesday, November 16th @ 9 AM PT, we are offering another complimentary session. This time we are diving into discovering your 2nd Brain. Do you know you have more than one brain?
Imagine the superpower capabilities available to you when you leverage both of your brains. Join us to learn where your second brain is and how to unlock its powerful potential.
Nov 16, 2021, 09:00 - 10: 100 AM Pacific Time
Register Here
Virtual Retreat: Softening as a Superpower
 Calling all Women Leaders!
Let go of tension, control, and carrying everything on your own. Move from “I got this” to “We Got You”.
Join us in a three-hour, virtual retreat to immerse yourself in a sacred container of support, learning, and connection.
When: Sunday, December 5th from 9:00 am to 12 pm, PST Where: Virtual via Zoom. Be prepared to have fun & move your body!
Who is this for? Women who are ready to set down the weight of feeling responsible for it all and learn how to lean into others to receive help and support.
Who is this is not for? If you are not ready to confront your fears of letting go and want to keep gripping the handles of the baggage and continue holding the weight of responsibility, all by yourself.
What it is: You’ll be led in an embodied transformational experience with three powerful CTI trained coaches to create a container of sacred trust for you to lean into so you can soften into your natural superpowers that evoke compassion, empathy, and clarity for what matters most to you.
What you’ll receive:
- At least three embodied exercises that will create the foundation for building an integrated way of being with both the shadow parts and the enlightened parts of yourself.
- Embodied Dance celebration at the end of the retreat to lock in the experience.
- A special gift to support you in your journey.
This rich transformational experience will design your inspired visionary leadership.
2022 Virtual & In-Person Experience
- Virtual Program: April 1- June 30th
- Retreat: JULY 16-23, 2022 in UMBRIA, ITALY
- Virtual Post Program Completion in August 2022
Take empowered steps to confidently navigate your next leadership quest. Whether it's in business or your personal life!
Move forward courageously while not compromising your innate wisdom through embracing your powerful feminine strengths.
A holistic Mind, Body, and Soul 5-month program to embrace your brilliance, take bold actions and embody your innate wisdom.
Join our waitlist NOW so you can be kept informed of all the offerings. Before we head to the hills of Umbria, Italy for 7 days, you'll be joining a sisterhood of women in a 3-month pre-retreat journey virtually. With a blend of group and private coaching calls, you'll expand your capacity to receive, give, and create bigger impacts in your life by following your personal leadership quest.
Join Waitlist

Taryn Laakso is a leadership & mental fitness coach, guiding clients through a journey to intercept limiting beliefs, ignite confidence, and integrate new ways of leading authentically to Create a Living with joy & happiness instead of being in the drudgery of Making a Living.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools to transform the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Taryn loves traveling, cooking, sailing, backpacking, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family outside of coaching.
Connect with Me