Taryn Talks
For many years I have longed to have a simpler life. I attempted this by letting go of bags of clothing, household goods, paperwork. I attempted to embrace the whole Konmari method of organizing and decluttering. It worked pretty well for a few months until I blended households in 2019 and we seemed to have two sets of everything and a lot more people in our home. I also was working a full-time job plus starting up a business. The desire was there, the energy to sustain was not. The clutter of too much was creating chaos in my mind.
Thankfully, in 2020, I was able to let go of the corporate job and just focus on my business. That was a huge step towards decluttering my life mentally. Physically, my partner and I had a lot more time on our hands due to the Covid lockdown, so purging became a bit of an addiction. I noticed it gave us some calm and clarity amid Covid uncertainty.
As I reflected on 2021, I noticed both personally and professionally there was a backward slide into overcomplication with material goods, technology, and in my business. I'm wading through too much 'stuff' and it's distracting me from what is most important like creating meaningful connections.
So I am permitting myself in 2022 to set an intention to declutter. When my home or thoughts are cluttered, it blocks creativity. Just this past weekend I tackled the office supplies clutter in our kitchen! I got rid of 3 bags of stuff and cleared off the counter. It sparkles and shines and I have more of a desire to spend time in the kitchen cooking up some healthy meals. Up next is reviewing my calendar to adjust/cancel/redesign re-occurring meetings that don't serve my highest purpose for the year ahead. More time on my calendar means I have more creative time to work on my business!
In the article below, I share the costs of a cluttered life and how it can be a major act of self-care to clear the clutter.
What would you like to declutter in your life so you can simplify in 2022? Let's do a #SimplifyingSetsYouFree movement. I just made that up! Want to join me? Join me on my Facebook business page and claim what you want to simplify in 2022! Use the hashtag #SimplifyingSetsYouFree.

Featured Article
The Ultimate Act of Self-Care: Clearing Clutter
How does clutter impact your mind and soul? Oftentimes, having too much clutter around is a sign of chaos in your mind and life. Whether you are just barely keeping things together at home because you are working too many hours or you are spending time watching a lot of media to check out on life, something in your soul is not being nurtured when the clutter piles up. Regaining control of the clutter in your life is a radical act of self-care! Clearing away physical clutter often has the unexpected effect of clearing away emotional clutter, too, that may be holding us back from our heart's desire.
I believe having a simpler life allows for more time to relax, be present with family & friends, and focus on what matters most. What gets in the way of a clutter-free life? Read my blog post to find out.
Blog Post
Sharing is Caring!
I am a huge fan of Shirzad Chamine's Positive Intelligence work. I enrolled in his Positive Intelligence grant program for coaches on March 9, 2020. Timing is everything, right?
In this book, he explains how to achieve one's true potential for both professional success and personal fulfillment. His groundbreaking research exposes ten well-disguised mental Saboteurs. Nearly 95% of the executives in his Stanford lectures conclude that these Saboteurs cause "significant harm" to achieving their full potential. With Positive Intelligence, you can learn the secret to defeating these internal foes.
Positive Intelligence (PQ) measures the percentage of time your mind is serving you as opposed to sabotaging you. While your IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) contribute to your maximum potential, it is your PQ that determines how much of that potential you achieve. When you feel like you're sitting in chaos or clutter, following his method allows you to get clear and focused on what matters most. The mind chatter that creates the clutter quiets down.
The great news is you can improve your PQ significantly and it's the basis of the 8-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp I get to offer to my clients. With higher PQ, teams and professionals ranging from leaders to salespeople perform 30-35 percent better on average. My business revenue grew 140% in 2021 and I contribute a significant portion of my success due to a higher PQ score. I don't let the saboteurs hijack my potential and leave me feeling more at ease! The breakthrough tools and techniques in this book and through the program have been refined over years of coaching hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams. Shirzad tells many of their remarkable stories in this book, showing you how you too can take concrete steps to unleash the vast, untapped powers of your mind.
I celebrate that I am the 19th certified PQ Coach in the world. I have had the honor of working alongside Shirzad, his team, and a powerful community of coaches/therapists/leaders who are creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world by raising the PQ score of individuals so we have more empathy, curiosity, innovation, and compassion. Who doesn't want more of that in our world?
Events & Updates
Virtual Retreat: Softening as a Superpower
Calling all Women Leaders!
Let go of tension, control, and carrying everything on your own. Let go of Superwoman Syndrome. Yes, that is a thing!
Superwoman Syndrome: The physical and psychological stress of doing it all. Trying to juggle too many roles like mother, partner, daughter, leader, student, volunteer, etc. and can lead to anxiety, depression, burnout, or checking out.
We believe there is a better way to connect to what truly is important.
Join us in a three-hour, virtual retreat to immerse yourself in a sacred container of support, learning, and connection.
Participants in our event last month received such powerful shifts in their relationship with "doing it all" that we are committed to hosting another virtual retreat this month.
When: Saturday, January 22nd from 9:00 am to 12 pm, PST Where: Virtual via Zoom. Be prepared to have fun & move your body!
Who is this for? Women who are ready to set down the weight of feeling responsible for it all and learn how to lean into others to receive help and support.
Who is this is not for? If you are not ready to confront your fears of letting go and want to keep gripping the handles of the baggage and continue holding the weight of responsibility, all by yourself.
What it is: You’ll be led in an embodied transformational experience with three powerful CTI trained coaches to create a container of sacred trust for you to lean into so you can soften into your natural superpowers that evoke compassion, empathy, and clarity for what matters most to you.
What you’ll receive:
- Clarity around a struggle you are experiencing that causes you frustration and stress.
- Learn three embodied exercises to create a foundation of wisdom within you
- Align your mind, body & soul to make decisions faster.
- Discover both the shadow and enlightened parts of yourself that lead to self-acceptance and self-authority.
- Embodied dance celebration at the end of the retreat to lock in your experience.
- A special gift to support you in your journey.
This rich transformational experience will design your inspired visionary leadership.

Taryn Laakso is a leadership & mental fitness coach, guiding clients through a journey to intercept limiting beliefs, ignite confidence, and integrate new ways of leading authentically to Create a Living with joy & happiness instead of being in the drudgery of Making a Living.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools to transform the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Taryn loves traveling, cooking, sailing, backpacking, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family outside of coaching.
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