Taryn Talks
Imagine you're faced with a calendar full of meetings. You have personal and professional obligations to attend to. You feel the wave of overwhelm about ready to crash right over the top of you.
Do you even need to imagine this or are you living it right now?
You're not alone, NAME. I am hearing it from my clients, peers, and friends. I feel it myself.
Here's what I believe is true about intercepting Hustle. The energy of "Hustle" is costing excess anxiety, doubt, stress, and worry. We’re afraid of not getting it all done.
This last month I got curious about how Hustle was showing up in my life. I slowed down every morning to explore this by meditating and journaling. I gave myself permission to assess what I was doing in my business and life that caused me to feel like I was hustling with the feeling of not-enoughness.
In this new practice of slowing down to start my day, I noticed I was more centered. I was able to tune into what was most important to focus on and let go of the things that weren't. My To-Do list shrunk. My stress decreased. I felt more flow in my life. Sigh… so good.
Check out the article below as I offer up a few tips to assess the hustle so you can create the life you love with more ease and flow.

Featured Article
10 Tips to Intercept Hustle

Last month, I wrote about how clearing the physical clutter is an act of self-care. This month I'm offering up the concept of Self-Authority and how you can claim more time by de-cluttering your life which will ease the Hustle energy.
First off, what is self-authority?
Co-Active Leadership 5 Ways To Lead book says "the journey of Self-Authority begins in the immediate moment with the decision to take responsibility for the authorship of one's life"
Stepping into your self-authority is the key that unlocks your ability to design the life YOU WANT. If you don't want to hustle, then it's up to you to discard the things in your life causing the hustling energy.
First, to design the life you love, there is some clutter that needs to be cleared out. Whether it's mind clutter, people, obligations, etc, an assessment is necessary to declutter what is not working for you right now.
I’m going to make a bold statement here. Ready?
You make choices about what works and what doesn’t work for you.
You are responsible for the life you want to create.
AND it takes courage to be responsible for the authorship of your life. I believe you can do it. I offer up these 10 steps towards self-authority in the spirit of decluttering your life so you can create the life you love.
Set an appointment on your calendar called "Hustle Inventory" so you have time focused on the rest of the tips. Your future self will LOVE you for this. (min 30 min, 6o min is even better!)
- Breath. At the beginning of your Hustle Inventory time, take a few minutes to just sit and focus on your breathing. This will calm your mind, body, and spirit and opens you up to creative thinking.
- List It. Now make a list of everything you are tolerating that creates the hustling energy. Ask yourself "What are the things causing me stress/worry/anxiety right now?
- Sort it. Create 5 categories where you can slot each item on your list.
- Return it. Are there items on your list that really belong to someone else, but somehow you've taken ownership of them? If so, give it back for them to handle.
- Dump It. What is on this list that has been there for longer than 3 months? Will anyone notice if it doesn't happen? The world hasn't stopped yet because it's not done.
- Delegate it. Is there someone in your life that can help you with at least one of the current obligations?
- Do It. Pick one thing that you can prioritize to get done ASAP. If you've been avoiding it, now is the time to get 'et done. Imagine how you will feel when it's checked off the list?
- Say Yes! Find something to add to this list that brings you JOY. By saying yes to what brings you joy, you open the capacity for the rest of your list.
- Celebrate! You just took a step towards letting go of all the clutter renting space in your head. How does it feel? Give yourself a High Five or send me a note so I can give you a High Five! It is a lot of fun to celebrate with someone else.

Imagine setting aside time in your schedule on a quarterly or monthly basis to follow the Hustle Inventory steps. You'll start seeing results in your life because it's aligning to the life YOU WANT. If you get stuck or want to achieve results faster, please connect with me. I am on a quest to help my clients Create a Life They Love with more Ease and Flow.
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Listen In!

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by @Massimo Backus (be sure to tag him) on his podcast, The Leadership Mind. I had the chance to share my story and expertise and would love for you to have a listen!
When great leadership breaks down, it is in the "being," the leader's internal experience that falls short first. The Leadership Mind Podcast explores stories of where leaders' humanity was both the cause of their greatest challenges and their greatest success. If you are looking for a place to learn what makes or breaks excellent leadership, this is the podcast for you!
You can listen and share the podcast using iTunes, Spotify, Google, and AnchorFM.
Are you in a state of Hustle?
Schedule a FREE "Ignite Your Spark" Coaching Session so you can assess what is causing your hustle and find your flow!
Book your 30 minute, no-obligation, complimentary coaching session. You'll get insights on how to create a living you love without fear and doubts sabotaging your potential.

Taryn Laakso is a leadership & mental fitness coach, guiding clients through a journey to intercept limiting beliefs, ignite confidence, and integrate new ways of leading authentically to Create a Living with joy & happiness instead of being in the drudgery of Making a Living.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools to transform the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Taryn loves traveling, cooking, sailing, backpacking, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family outside of coaching.
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