Taryn Talks
Stepping outside to bring order to the chaos in my backyard has become a safe sanctuary where I can process and disperse emotions that arise while experiencing the mess of being human. There has certainly been a few left turns professionally, personally, and politically. It's called life and all part of our unique human-mess. Check out the newsletter below for some Lessons from the Garden of Life.
For me, my biggest lesson has been to have faith. Trust that what I've planted, nurtured, and raised will flourish. I've been a bit quiet the last few months as I pulled out the weeds choking my energy and nourishing the flowers that I wanted to thrive. Now is the time to sit and enjoy the results of committed action.
I am excited for what is ahead and look forward to sharing what will be unfolding in the coming months.
But first, I'll be heading to Europe with my daughter for two weeks of rejuvenation time. We get to celebrate her decision to attend the University of Washington in the fall. Follow our adventures on social media as I share a daily bit about how I fill my cup to rejuvenate my spirit.
You can find me on Facebook or Instagram here!

Featured Blog - Leadership & Life Lessons from the Garden
Consider the dandelion. Reviled by many as an insistent, bothersome weed, it nevertheless continues to proudly display its pert, bright yellow self in lawns and gardens everywhere, thriving in the face of adversity.
Thriving in the face of adversity.
Where, in our own lives, do we face adversity? How do we carry ourselves through it: head down, beating ourselves up or feeling defensive and resentful? Or head up and face open, like the dandelion, sure of our intrinsic worthiness, knowing our gifts to the world, even if the world doesn’t necessarily recognize them?
For those who know how to look and wait, the garden teems with other such life lessons. As summer unfolds this year, turn your awareness to the wise teachings of your garden. If you don’t have a conventional garden, a container garden on your porch or potted plants in your home still offer valuable lessons.
Here are a few:
It’s OK to be imperfect. Trying to grow the perfect rose, or the perfect cabbage is an exhausting, never-ending quest for flawlessness. “Imperfect” roses are still beautiful and “imperfect” cabbages still burst with flavor, just like we humans. With our myriad imperfections, we still contribute our own beauty and zest to the world.
Pruning improves growth. Removing old habits that don’t serve us opens new possibilities for growth in areas that do serve us.
Pay more attention to your health than your appearance. As author William Longgood wrote, “Over fertilized plants may be beautiful but are otherwise useless, like people whose energies are devoted so completely to their appearance that there is no other development.”
Regular maintenance is important. Isn’t it soooo much harder to clear an overgrown jungle of a garden than to regularly pull encroaching weeds? Think of the clutter that can accumulate in our houses, the extra pounds that are harder to lose than to keep off in the first place, and the overwhelm or illness that can result from too little self-care.
Have faith. Plant a seed, water it, and trust that it will grow. Similarly, believe that the shifts you make in your life, the dreams you hold dear, will fully blossom if you nourish and protect them.
Read more garden lessons here
Something important happens every day. Take the time to notice the little everyday miracles in your gardens and in your life.
Are you ready to create a thriving, sustainable, and bountiful garden with your life?
 Schedule a complimentary 30 min call with me to ignite a spark of change in your garden of life.

Intercept Burnout & Maximize Performance Free 3-Part Positive Intelligence™ Virtual Workshop Experience
In today's BANI* (Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, and Incomprehensible) world, it's easy for leaders and teams to work too hard without getting results, experience too much conflict, friction, and stress, and attempt to cope without much success as they lunge forward toward burnout.
The truth of the matter is that this is all too common and it doesn't have to be this way.
A common contributor to why it happens stems from team members, and leaders, unknowingly sabotaging their own, and their team’s, performance and wellbeing.
Join me and two of my Positive Intelligence coaching colleagues in a 3-part workshop to Intercept Burnout & Maximize Performance this summer!
Learn More & Register

Taryn Laakso is a Leadership Empowerment Coach, guiding clients through a journey to intercept limiting beliefs, ignite confidence, and integrate new ways of leading authentically. It's time to step off the hustle hamster wheel and create a life you love!
Taryn believes that both success and happiness are achievable when clients slow down, assess, and pause more often.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools to transform the lives and leadership presence of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose.
Taryn loves traveling, cooking, sailing, backpacking, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family outside of coaching.
Connect with Taryn