Dear Taryn,

What does that mean to you? I received this message from the very wise Danielle LaPorte and her "Truth Bomb" card deck last week. I have been pondering this question all week and asked a few clients what they want to let go of so they are free to go into the year ahead. 

Here were some responses: 

"Let go of worrying about what others think of me"

"Let go of being perfect" 

"Let go of complexity"

Where can you let go a little more and find the freedom to go where you want to go?


Today is the Winter Solstice

Letting go of the darkness and welcoming back the light

The days will be getting longer.
A new year is coming. 

What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2020?
What do you want to let go of so you can be free to go into 2021?

Completion and Celebration. 

Lay down the burden of 2020
Celebrate your wins and learnings

Happy Season of Light!


Sending you much love and light this week and into the year ahead. 

Taryn Laakso, ACC | CPCC
Unlaaking Your Potential, LLC


Taryn Laakso
UnLaaking Your Potential, LLC