Hi Taryn,
Confinement at home has hit me hard this month. The most since this long pandemic started. Yet I didn't know the fog was rolling in on my energy and spirit until my partner had to confront me with it. It was a slow slide into myself that I had a hard time noticing.
Sometimes it's a knock on the head to wake me up to when something is off. Or this case, a heated discussion that triggered my saboteurs of the Avoider fleeing from the scene and activated my Hyper-Achiever to dig into my work to ignore what I was feeling. Both of them told me the lie that I could DO work instead of BE with my emotions. I could just work and push through all the crazy that is happening right now.
And other times it takes a loving partner, friend, or coach to ask the question "What's going on right now for you?" and "What do you need RIGHT now?"
Fortunately, this week, it was all of the above that had me reflect that bypassing my emotions, worries, and anxiety was costing me too much.
❓ Where was the Joy and Sparkle I wanted to honor in my holidays this season?
❓ Where was my self-care?
❓ Where was the belief that I can do great things?
❓ Where was I leaning into my community?
💥Bam!💥 Then I realized that I hadn't been in the wilderness for 8 days. My radius of living was confined to the 1/2 mile around our neighborhood. Holy Smokes!
READ MORE to learn what worked for me
All the best in this messy and imperfect world,
 Taryn Laakso, ACC | CPCC Unlaaking Your Potential, LLC

Taryn Laakso provides individualized 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching programs, and resources designed to ignite creativity, stoke the flames of inspiration, and guide clients in developing their own inner wisdom. After years of working as an HR professional, she brings a consultative approach to her coaching and is passionate about working with entrepreneurial leaders who are transitioning out of their corporate careers and toward their passion work.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools in her approach to transforming the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role it is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Outside of coaching, Taryn loves cooking, sailing, backpacking in the Pacific Northwest, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family.