Hi Taryn,
For most of my life, I chose to live in the comfort of not making waves in my life, relationships, and career. I did what was expected of me. I followed the rules. I chose comfort over courage.
The cost? So damn much.
It cost me my marriage. It prevented me from having deep connections with friends and family. It kept me quiet in the workforce. It caused me stress, worry, and anxiety.
Until now. I have chosen to walk into the middle of the dance floor with courage as my partner instead of sitting on the sidelines like a wallflower.
What I have now in my life is amazing! [reality check: amazing does not mean perfect and easy]
I have a partner who adores and appreciates me. I trust him implicitly while also being able to laugh at our quirky habits. I have a business that is growing. I have a blended family where each one of us gets to fly our own little freak flag because we are each unique and amazing. I have a much better relationship with my sister and parents that I never dreamed of having when I was growing up. I have a good relationship with my ex-husband and his wife that allows us to communicate effectively regarding our girls.
I am so deeply grateful for the life I've created because I courageously made decisions that were difficult but necessary. I took risks with my heart and experienced failure along the way (lots of failures!). I stopped playing it safe.
What was the shift? Believing that I could! This belief came from others at first (friends, amazing coaches, & family) and then I started to internalize it.
I believe you can have what you want in this world too. You deserve it.
READ MORE to learn 5 ways to activate your belief system in yourself!
All the best in this messy and imperfect world,

Taryn Laakso, ACC | CPCC Unlaaking Your Potential, LLC

Taryn Laakso provides individualized 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching programs, and resources designed to ignite creativity, stoke the flames of inspiration, and guide clients in developing their own inner wisdom. After years of working as an HR professional, she brings a consultative approach to her coaching and is passionate about working with entrepreneurial leaders who are transitioning out of their corporate careers and toward their passion work.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools in her approach to transforming the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role it is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Outside of coaching, Taryn loves cooking, sailing, backpacking in the Pacific Northwest, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family.