Taryn's Take on Life
Walking through the yucky mess of life creates so many opportunities to learn and grow. Walking through a friend's labyrinth last week helped me get grounded with a question I struggled to answer. I wondered what I needed to accept the people I love in my life.
The answer came clear as a bell as I got to the center. Have FAITH is what I heard my soul tell me. Faith that all is going to be all right. Keep believing in yourself and believe others are doing their best too.
This month kicks off a new format to my messages and cadence. I'm shifting to a monthly newsletter to share relevant resources, messy messages, and upcoming events. Oh, and my new website is launching this week! Check it out here: www.unlaakingyourpotential.com
Let me know what you think!
Monday's Messy Message
Taryn, it was one of my most major messy weeks since becoming a full-time entrepreneur.
I suffered from a severe vulnerability hangover. I had just shared my book, How to Thrive in a Post-Covid World, with hundreds of people on social media, and I was a guest on Lisa Deurre’s Crt | Alt | Del podcast. Coming out and publicly sharing what I am up to in the world around mastering mindset is a scary growth edge that I crossed.
Side note, not familiar with the concept of vulnerability hangover? Here’s a link to Brene Brown’s Ted Talk that explains this concept in “The Power of Vulnerability,” In a nutshell, it’s a confusing mix of fear and exhaustion after sharing something significant that is vulnerable. Anytime when fear starts oozing into your mind, an alarm bell should be ringing at full volume. It’s the perfect setup for saboteurs to hijack all the excellent work you’re doing in your life.
For me, my fear of sustaining the momentum, fear of success, fear of being judged was a perfect petri dish for the best-known saboteur, The Judge, to grow its ugly moldy thoughts and hijack my mental well being. I shifted from a confident business owner on a Friday to an insecure, judgemental person by Monday. Whoosh, just like that, the positivity and confidence were gone. I judged myself harshly with ugly thoughts of “I am not good enough” and “I am not doing enough,” and when I didn’t like who I was pointing the finger at, I unconsciously shifted my judgment towards my partner. And yeah, that did NOT go over well, and I admit, not my proudest partner moment.
I needed to clarify what the heck was going on before some permanent damage to my relationship and business happened. I stepped away for a few days and took care of myself because I was exhausted. Today, I feel restored, rested, and recommitted to my partner and business. In the unplanned self-care retreat, I journaled, walked, talked, and read my way to restore my faith.
I’m curious if you have had a crisis of faith in yourself shift that quickly from feeling confident and excited to self-doubt and criticism?
If so, what did you do to find your confidence and faith that you are good enough?
No strategy? READ MORE
All the best in this messy and imperfect world,

Taryn Laakso, ACC | CPCC | CPQC Unlaaking Your Potential, LLC
Cool resource I have to share

Do you feel your love tank is empty?
I was reminded recently of the power of knowing your Love Language. As we embrace the month of LOVE, I wanted to share a quiz you and your partner can take to learn what each other's love language is. Based on Dr. Gary Chapman's work and his book The 5 Love Languages, you learn insights into what makes you light up and feel appreciated and how to show others they are loved. This works with any relationship, whether with your romantic partner, your children, manager, etc. Click here to learn your primary Love Language to ignite love back in your life.
Upcoming Events

Do you feel exhausted, depleted, and resentful about how much you do for others?
Are you 'faking it till you make it' in the business world?
Does your confidence bottom out when you're about to do something new?
If you are stuck in a rut of pleasing, avoiding, and feeling frustrated about the state of our world…then Mental Fitness Bootcamp is for you! During this 7-week virtual coaching program, you will receive insights into your strengths, see the gifts in the challenges, navigate your decisions with clarity, and conquer obstacles that will have you celebrating from the mountain tops!
Click here to learn more.
Registration ends this Friday, February 5th, 2021, with limited availability. Grab your spot today!
More information is coming to you this week in your inbox.

Taryn Laakso is a leadership & mental fitness guiding clients through a journey that intercepts limiting beliefs, ignites your confidence, and integrates your leadership style that Creates a Living with joy and happiness instead of being in the drudgery of Making a Living.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools to transform the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Taryn loves traveling, cooking, sailing, backpacking in the Pacific Northwest, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family outside of coaching.