Taryn Talks
I am both excited and frightened by my daughter’s conviction and choices as she faces her college choices. As we tour campuses and witness her growth, I am being stretched as a mom, co-parent, coach, and leader. Parenting changed for our family over 10 years ago when our nuclear family split up.
“We” is now more than just biological parents parenting the kids. Its step-parents, partners, siblings, grandparents & friends. All who contribute to the raising of the family. “We” in this edition of the newsletter is is my daughters, her stepmother, and myself.
There is no room for ego stepping into these new relationships.
As we define new ways to express feminine leadership and be an example of what’s possible for the next generations, it's time to set aside fear and the ego.
Where do you need support stepping into new roles and identities for the sake of yourself and those who follow you?

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Creative Co-Parenting
A mom, step-mom, and two daughters walk onto a college campus 2k miles away from home while robots deliver food to college students.
What type of TV show episode would you write for this scenario? Would it be a comedy? A drama? A Thriller? Or Science Fiction? A coming of age story?
This wasn't a show, but real life. It happened last month for us.
I have a functional relationship with my daughters' stepmom that I am deeply grateful for. Co-parenting with her allows us to support our girls in ways that serve their well-being above and beyond typical split families' homes.
Both of us Moms are playing a bigger game in the relationship of co-parenting. There is a strong sense of WE and not ME as we navigate two amazing young women into adulthood. We are leading from in front at times and other times, we are leading from behind by being their cheerleaders and safety net.
I got to witness first hand on the college tour trip how much our eldest daughter benefits from the support of two strong women being a voice of choice, empowerment, and curiosity as our daughter faces a pivotal college decision that will impact her life in ways beyond what I can imagine right now. She gets to decide which college she wants to attend that is right for her! Not what the greater family thinks is best or what has been expected, but what she really wants.
[I'm so excited to know which university she will pick. She's keeping it close to the chest for now. Will it be the Aeronautical Engineering program at Purdue or Engineering at Univ of Washington? Or will another college rise up in the ranks? Stay tuned in the next newsletter]
It's impacted our youngest daughter as well. There is a moment that is embedded into my memory. My youngest daughter quietly told me "Mom, I'm really glad that both you and Ashley get along and are going on this trip together". Our co-parenting is noticed. It's creating an impact. I believe this is empowered leadership.
Our daughters will remember this college tour trip as a life-changing experience. Two adult women in their lives, who 'shouldn't' get along were laughing, supporting, problem-solving, empowering, and genuinely enjoying each other's company for the sake of changing old patterns and societal norms. This is what empowered leadership looks like.
And yes, my ego wants to speak out against our co-parenting relationship because it is not the norm. The inner critic's thoughts are nasty sometimes. Full transparency, here are a few examples of the self-judgment lies of inner dialogue that I pop into my mind.
"You're being co-dependent with your ex, you should not engage with them at this level"
"You're the mom, this is all your responsibilities. Don't lean on anyone else to raise your kids"
"You're not creating healthy boundaries"
Here's what I know is true. When I choose to buck the societal norms, it activates all sorts of doubts within me and can activate criticism from other people. However, I see this as a gift. It's a signal that I am playing a bigger game in life and I am empowered to lead from my heart rather than my ego. It's created a richer and more engaged life. The future generations benefit from it.
This is also true. There are a lot of people who are inspired by what we are up to when I share this story with them.
In this time of chaotic and toxic leadership in our world, what would it look like to break free of what Ego says and invite in the wisdom of an inner Sage? I would bet money that there would be less strife, war, trauma, and judgment in our world. There would be more peace, love, compassion, and curiosity. I want this in our world.
A few tips to intercept the Ego.
1. Make conscious choices daily to check the ego (aka Saboteurs) and invite in deep curiosity to explore what feelings are emerging so you can make an aware decision of what to do next.
2. Consciously check in on your bigger game. Assess if the inner criticism and doubt are trying to sabotage your short-term relationships.
3. Empower yourself to choose courage over what is easy.
4. Build your resiliency to defend against the lies the ego creates out of fear, shame, our guilt.
Having strong mental muscles that intercept fears and doubt and activate self-command over the negativity allows for us to co-parent (co-lead) and the girls thrive and flourish from it. I enjoy having less strife in my life.
Do you have a relationship you would like to improve? Would you like to step into your empowered leadership?
What I know is that up-leveling your relationships starts within you first which creates a positive ripple effect on everyone else.
Are you ready to create a ripple effect of positive change in your life?
Schedule a complimentary 30 min call with me to ignite a spark of change.
Click to Schedule
Listen In!
 Speaking of empowerment, I had the honor of joining Ariel Hubbard, of Hubbard Health Solutions last month on her podcast: Women Power Zone!
In this episode called The Power of Perspective, she and I discuss how to bring mindfulness practices to calm the nervous system so that you can access different perspectives more easily by inviting in curiosity, empathy, and compassion.
"We're always at choice of how we see something" ~ Taryn Laakso
You can follow Ariel Hubbard's Women Power Zone podcast at iTunes, Spotify, and Google,
Creation Vacation in Umbria Italy: July 16-23rd, 2022!
Are you longing to reconnect with humans, in person?
Are you struggling with burnout which blocks your creativity?
Are you ready to unplug, restore, and connect with other amazing people to get the creative juices flowing for your business?
Space is limited at the luxury Umbrian villa in Italy!
Expand Your Horizon. Create lifelong friendships. Restore your spirit. Wander the Italian countryside to activate your creativity.
Download PDF of Details
Live Q & A Calls are scheduled.
Join us Wednesday, March 23rd @ 8:30 am PDT or March 31st @ 3:00 PM PDT. Click to register:
Doubt No More

As a leader, how often are you confronted with self-doubt? As a parent, are you wondering if you are getting it 'right'? As a human, what's blocking happiness & success?
Regardless of your role, you have the ability to shift.
It's time to:
- Empower your leadership by quieting down the inner critic
- Invite in self-compassion to love yourself more and those around you
- Play a bigger game in life & career
- Bring in curiosity & empathy for the sake of relationships
- Cultivate creativity when solving problems
Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions in the way you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.
Learn to intercept the saboteurs and build the self-command that is the doorway towards true happiness. Join us in our next 8 Week Mental Fitness BootCamp. Learn more by clicking here:
Learn More
Are you in a state of Hustle?
Schedule a FREE "Ignite Your Spark" Coaching Session so you can assess what is causing your hustle and find your flow!
Book your 30 minute, no-obligation, complimentary coaching session. You'll get insights on how to create a living you love without fear and doubts sabotaging your potential.

Taryn Laakso is a Leadership Empowerment Coach, guiding clients through a journey to intercept limiting beliefs, ignite confidence, and integrate new ways of leading authentically without the energy of hustle pushing their performance.
Rather, Taryn believes that both success and happiness are achievable when clients slow down, assess, and pause more often.
She is differentiated by her focus on mindset and weaves together a variety of coaching tools to transform the lives of her clients. Taryn views herself as a “sherpa” whose role is to guide her clients through their journey from a life of practicality and fear to a life of passion and purpose along with profit.
Taryn loves traveling, cooking, sailing, backpacking, reading, and spending quality time with her blended family outside of coaching.
Connect with Taryn